Comments on: Ask a Relationship Therapist Relationship Counseling for Couples and Individuals in Denver, Colorado. Wed, 10 Jan 2024 19:07:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: Alysha Jeney Wed, 10 Jan 2024 19:07:09 +0000 In reply to Olena Timmerman.

Thanks for reaching out Olena. Is it possible that you’re subconsciously hardening because you’re trying to protect yourself from getting too close to your husband? Seems like your initial defense was to end relationships, but now that you are married with children for ten years, your next subconscious defense mechanism is to put emotional and physical boundaries around you. With your children getting older, the loss of your father can also trigger wounds of abandonment and fear as they get closer to the age you were when you lost him. How was your mother affected by your father’s passing? This may have also created the subconscious defense mechanism of you pulling away and not allowing yourself to trust (ie. Relax). You’re subconsciously preparing yourself for another loss… So in a way, you have created an irrational belief that by pushing him away or not allowing yourself to be close to him, you won’t be as affected by it when he leaves (whether that be through death or leaving you). Sometimes we may not even realize that we are protecting ourselves due to unprocessed grief / trauma. I’m curious if this lands for you and if it does, seeking therapy to unpack some of your past pain would be highly beneficial for you to relax and enough your beautiful family.

By: Olena Timmerman Wed, 10 Jan 2024 16:45:04 +0000 I had the best relationship with my father who died when I was eleven. I have lived my life in waiting for it to start when I find my person to feel safe with and enjoy life together. Sadly, my desire to have a family led me to many unfulfilling relationships. I remember each time one ended telling myself this was just not the right person and I should not give up no matter how hard my heart wanted to never put myself out there again. I am now in a ten-year relationship, married and with two loveliest kids, but keep feeling like I used to fall deeper in love and feel more relaxed. I feel like my heart has hardened and I hate to feel this way now that I am with my man. Please, help.

By: Dasha Babasha Fri, 20 Oct 2023 22:59:46 +0000 Hi! I am pretty young , but i have been in a relationship for almost 7 months. The main reason why im here, is to ask if what he is doing an actual manipulation? Because part of me says that it is completely not normal. Everything was okay at first, as always, but after months we started to be in big arguments, but make it up in the end anyways. Recently, he says “i just don’t feel loved ” and i kind of know what he says about,but. Every time i explain to him everything to every detail why i act the way i do, or when i do something wrong and saying sorry immediately, after which explain to him everything again why and how, he completely closes down, and being extremely upset. I understand that he can’t be happy instantly, but he keeps saying things like ” its whatever, you won, as always”- this is what he says when im trying to explain myself and ask him what can i do, he also says that i can’t do nothing. And this is confuses me, because he remain being upset, and , when he says to me “i can’t f**king do this/i can’t take it anymore”(even though there was no pressure from me and i was being as polite as i could) he brings something up again which is completely different from what i’ve explained. It makes me feel like he never read what i text him, and when i calmly say i need time , after only 40 minutes he starts texting “are you ignoring me again?” and he often pulls up the “just leave me” and says how i feel about him for me , like i don’t love him nor want him. And it’s been like that for a while , i don’t know what to do, i’ve been calm, ive been trying to explain, he doesn’t hear me, basically makes him a victim(but denies it). Also ,when i bring up something he did in the past ( even as a joke) he says “don’t bring this shit up again” , but when he does the same, i keep telling sorry, as you understand, he never takes my sorry as sincere ones , even though ive explained that they are . I seriously don’t know what to do, he will act completely crazy if i will say it all to him, i need someone’s professional help with this , becayse i don’t think i can take this treatment anymore . I mean, i do, but how can i make this better? how can i make him understand that what he does is irrational and manipulative(or at least it feels like it)?

By: Eve Mitchell Thu, 13 May 2021 16:25:28 +0000 I liked that you mentioned that finding mutual validation is challenging and important in a relationship. My boyfriend and I are struggling in our relationship but we want to continue to stay together. We would love to go to relationship therapy to learn ways to better communicate and grow our relationship.

By: Wendy Sun, 21 Feb 2021 20:37:26 +0000 Hi Alysha,

6 months ago I received an anonymous letter in the mail with proof of my fiance cheating. We were engaged for almost a year at that time and when I confronted him he admitted he had started seeing her 3 months after we got engaged.

We have been together for 8 years but I always felt that there was an incompability between us that we had never addressed. Nevertheless we had seemed happy and there was no pressure from my end for him to propose. He was also never hesitant about the wedding plans and we were looking for a house together already before the letter arrived.

Now my world has been turned upside down and I asked for some time alone. He has been doing lots of reflecting during this time and really wants us to try therapy to try and see if we can resolve this. He appears to be showing remorse over the past 5 months and has expressed full accountability for his actions. Although we only have had minimal contact, he has explained some of his thought processes to me from time to time in the hopes of making this work (his personal flaws which may have lead to this affair, disillusionment with the relationship that skewed his decision-making, etc) .

Despite this, I haven’t been able to come to terms with a couple of things around this (most obviously the fact that he cheated 3 months after we were engaged – after making such a big move in commitment; the fact that he saw her for 9 months and we lived together for a couple months during that time which he didn’t treat me particularly well (like some people who feel guilty would) and had even had arguments about trust (where he implied that I did not trust him regarding something else, even though in hindsight this was very hypocritical since he was already cheating behind my back); the fact that an anonymous party had to look out for me and send me a letter telling me what he did). Though he has been dedicated in self reflecting for 5 months, I cannot help thinking that maybe he is only doing this to save face for himself, knowing that we are engaged with a huge group of mutual friends and family who know both of us well.

I do not want to be naive, and I know I have a good support group to help me through calling this engagement off (my friends and family have expressed their support for whatever decision I choose to make). But just wondering if you have any honest thoughts/advice given your experience with similar situations, and whether there is in fact anything to salvage at this point. Thank you so much.

By: Courtney Fri, 19 Feb 2021 02:14:04 +0000 Hi Alysha,
I’ve been with my current boyfriend for three years. He’s a dream and everything I’ve ever wanted in a partner. We’ve both had our fair share of failed relationships and mistakes in the past. I’ve always loved the fact we could communicate openly about those mistakes and wrongdoings. I’m an open book and I feel like he knows everything there is to know about me. Recently though, I’ve came across some information about his past that he’s never mentioned before and he isn’t aware that I know about this. A couple of months before we started dating he was intimate with a coworker which resulted in a pregnancy and shortly after that a termination of that pregnancy. We have recently discussed future plans of having children and getting married one day. I understand this is in his past but my concern is why he would have never mentioned this to me before. We have had discussions in the past regarding this topic before and he was opposed to that and never mentioned his experience with the matter. I want to let it go but now I feel like I’m hiding a secret not mentioning that I know what happened. I don’t want to bring it up because if he wanted to discuss it I feel like he would have by now. I’m torn on what to do and don’t cover my emotions well so he’ll be able to tell something is off with me.. This information has flipped my world upside down. Should I try me best to internalize this and let this go or talk to him about it?

By: Alysha Jeney Sun, 13 Dec 2020 17:44:51 +0000 In reply to Faith.

Hi Faith,

This is a tough dilemma for sure. I think it’s really important for you to identify within yourself why marriage is so important to you– really understand what marriage means to you and what it represents. Then, I would explore why you want to marry this man based on your definitions and values of marriage. This is what you can present to him. Sometimes when we communicate, we talk in symbols that can be misunderstood. It’s important that the two of you discuss what marriage (as a symbol) represents; why you want that with each other and your fears. He may feel less threatened if you can describe to him your desire to feel closer to HIM (through the act and commitment of marriage) rather than possibly coming across as NEEDING to be MARRIED. You may be emphasizing marriage as a step or a concept more than why you want to be married to him. This clarity may help him understand you a lot better and feel less pressured to “do” the act of getting married. Hope this helps!

By: Faith Sat, 28 Nov 2020 00:05:26 +0000 Hi Alysha,

My boyfriend of almost 4 years and I recently moved in together. Over the years I have brought up the idea of marriage. He has responded that this is also what he wants. However,I don’t feel he is ready like I am. He has a previous relationship with a girlfriend of 14 years who died of cancer. He was her caretaker and provided and they never married. We have spoken about this and I don’t feel we have the same issues he mentioned that kept him from marrying her. But I still feel he isn’t ready. I’m scared that I will get pigeon holed into a relationship that I am content with and will end up like the former girlfriend. I don’t want that. I want to marry him. But I know if I push the issue I could loose him. Problem is I am ok with that if I am not his choice. I want to be with someone who wants what I want. And I don’t want to force it on him. This is extremely awkward and I’m nervous it will not work out. But I feel it’s necessary for me to stay true to my beliefs and desires. How do I go about letting him know that this is to a breaking point for me? What’s the best way to address this issue?

By: Alysha Jeney Thu, 12 Nov 2020 14:39:41 +0000 In reply to Mitch.

Hi Mitch,

This is a tough situation for sure! I see your view of the situation and can completely understand why it would be nerve-racking and uncomfortable. I think these two options (or a combo of the two) may be helpful; 1. Accept that he is friends with his ex and do your absolute best to not feed into the insecure story you have created about “why.” I know easier said than done, but once you can truly accept that they are friends and choose to believe that there is nothing more, the easier it will be for you to live your life with your partner. 2. Make a commitment to yourself and to your partner that you will not project your insecurities onto him or bring up the ex and in exchange, you’re requesting that he may limit or alter his relationship with her. Maybe that looks like he is never alone with her, or that they don’t text/call without him telling you about it. This compromise and agreement helps build transparency and trust that is needed for the two of you work through this. You both need to learn how to validate each other’s experiences (ex: I’m sure it’s really hard for you to feel security when he is still in contact with an ex that broke his heart / I’m sure it’s really challenging for him to feel as though his commitment to you is always being questioned) even if you both don’t agree with each other’s perspectives.

Hope this helps!

By: Mitch Mon, 09 Nov 2020 07:04:29 +0000 Hi Alysha,
Im in a great relationship with my
Boyfriend of a few years. Hes really genuine and extremely loving. I trust him a lot but hes friends with his ex and it makes me extremely nervous. She broke up with him and when we had a convo about his past with her she said “he broke her heart” which means i know he really cared for her. They have had to overcome their breakup and they continue to hang out because they share the same friends. they are friendly and keep in touch on occasion. She is also dating someone else for a few years. I cant help but feel like them maintaining a relationship Might mean something more. I have had talks with my boyfriend where hes assured me nothing is to worry about but he gets really annoyed when i bring up the subject of their relationship. I think ive brought it up one too many times and hes at the point where hes annoyed i cant trust him. How can i move on and overcome my feelings of disstrust without pushing my boyfriend away?
